In the physical therapy field, Manual Therapy is utilizing skilled, hands-on techniques.
Biomechanic and Movement Evaluations
We analyze the Metrics and your performance in runners mode.

Why me?
My approach is to evaluate more than just where you hurt or have movement issues but to find the origin of your problem and help restore normal and pain-free movement. It can take years of hands-on learning, and practice to become effective and efficient in performing complex manual therapy techniques. Equally important is to know what, why, and how you are going to treat a specific problem and person. I'm a physical therapist that possesses this knowledge due to their decades of practice, advanced training, and continuing education.
Manual Therapy Benefits:
Increase range of motion
Improve mobility of scar tissue
Decrease pain
Increase circulation
Decrease myofascial restrictions
Relax muscles
Improve mobility of the nervous system
Decrease nerve sensitivity
Increase muscle flexibility
Decrease inflammation
Assist the body in muscle or soft tissue repair
Boost the immune system
Calm the nervous system
Aide sleep
Facilitate and normalize movement to improve function
Manual Therapy Techniques:
IASTM/Graston (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage)
Soft tissue mobilization
Manual lymph drainage
Scar mobilization
Myofascial release
Craniosacral therapy
Dynamic cupping
Joint mobilization
Joint manipulation/thrust
Mulligan techniques
Muscle Energy
Traction (manual)
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stimulation (DNS)
How Physical Therapy does is important in your rehab?
Experience the difference that a hands-on can make in your recovery and overall performance.
Schedule your appointment at Ph. (310) 331-8544 or email. assistant@hamptonmpt.com
I would be glad to start with your one-on-one rehab therapy program.